Welcome to joepublicfilms.com. This is where you can find films pertaining to urgent issues that effect everyone: The catastrophic results of a decade of Iraq sanctions and bombings; use by the United States military of depleted uranium; domination of the World's major media by big money interests; and best of all, the people who can deliver the truth to you.
"Greetings From Missile Street" is complete! The 40
minute documentary is about living conditions for
ordinary Iraqis after more than ten years of
sanctions. For more information, see DOCUMENTARIES, SHORTS, & FEATURES
Joe Public has film clips and quotes from interviews with activists such as Denis Halliday (former Deputy Secretary of the U.N.), Kathy Kelly (Voices In the Wilderness), Lauren Cannon (Iraq Sanctions Challenge), Sean Donahue (Peace Action--NH), and John Schuchardt (Plowshares). Visit PROGRESSIVE PROFILES
Joe Public also has footage from events such as the microbroadcasters' 1998 march on the FCC & NAB, and the February 14, 2000 demonstration against Iraq sanctions at the U.S. Mission of the United Nations. See SHREDS
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